
Yongkuk Park

Postdoctoral Researcher Chemical Engineering University of Massachusetts Amherst

Contact 📧  Email: yongkukpark@umass.edu

I am currently looking for a postdoc position! Please feel free to email me if you think i’d be a good fit for your group. Here is a copy of my CV.

I am a postdoctoral researcher at University of Massachusetts Amherst. I earned my PhD in Chemical Engineering, with a focus in bone tissue engineering. During my PhD, my focus is on developing in vitro bone tissue models that can accurately mimic complex biological processes and systems.

🔬 Research Interest

🎓 Education

📊 Publications | Google Scholar


Trabecular bone organoid model for studying the regulation of localized bone remodeling Yongkuk Park, Eugene Cheong, Jun-Goo Kwak, Ryan Carpenter, Jae-Hyuck Shim, Jungwoo Lee Science Advances
Science | AAAS


Double Controlled Release of Therapeutic RNA Modules through Injectable DNA–RNA Hybrid Hydrogel Sangwoo Han, Yongkuk Park, Hyejin Kim, Hyangsu Nam, Ohsung Ko, Jong Bum Lee ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces


Self-assembled DNA-guided RNA Nanovector via Step-wise Dual Enzyme Polymerization (SDEP) for Carrier-free siRNA Delivery Yongkuk Park, Hyejin Kim, Jong Bum Lee ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (2016)

Nucleic acid engineering: RNA following the trail of DNA Hyejin Kim, Yongkuk Park, Jieun Kim, Jaepil Jeong, Sangwoo Han, Jae Sung Lee, Jong Bum Lee ACS Combinatorial Science (2016)

Technological development of structural DNA/RNA-based RNAi systems and their applications Eun Hye Jeong, Hyejin Kim, Bora Jang, Hyesoo Cho, Jaehee Ryu, Boyeon Kim, Yongkuk Park, Jieun Kim, Jong Bum Lee, Hyukjin Lee Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (2016)

Self-assembled Messenger RNA Nanoparticles (mRNA-NPs) for Efficient Gene Expression Hyejin Kim, Yongkuk Park, Jong Bum Lee Scientific Reports (2015)

Enzymatic Size Control of RNA Particles using Complementary Rolling Circle Transcription (cRCT) Method for Efficient siRNA Production Daehoon Han, Yongkuk Park, Hyangsu Nam, Jong Bum Lee Chemical Communications (2014)